software QA testing

Every piece of software needs to go through software quality assurance testing. It usually involves a human tester creating a series of test cases, and then checking the software interface…

MuukTest is putting GenAI at the center of software QA testing

Rainforest QA, an on-demand software QA service, announced a $25 million Series B investment today. Silicon Valley Bank, Bessemer Venture Partners, Sutter Hill Capital, Rincon Ventures and Initialized Capital all…

Rainforest QA rakes in $25 million Series B to expand on-demand software testing biz

Software quality-assurance testing has sometimes taken a backseat in today’s rush-rush agile development environment. Into the breach has stepped on-demand testing startups like Test IO, giving developers easy access to…

Programmers can now access Test IO code QA service in Jira development tool